Archive for the ‘Featured’ Category

Unity: Slow Motion and Rigidbody behavior

Click here to read Unity: Slow Motion and Rigidbody behavior

It’s been awhile since the last Unity post, in fact, it’s been quite some time since there’s something new on the website. I want apologize to all the 41 Post readers for taking so long to put together a new tutorial. So, let’s get to the tutorial.

This post explains how to set the parameters found at Unity’s Time class to make the game run in slow motion (also known as “bullet time”). It’s important to note that the following code was created for Unity3D 3.4, thus, the code featured below might work different in other Unity versions. Continue reading: “Unity: Slow Motion and Rigidbody behavior”

Android: Detecting Double Tap Events

Click here to read Android: Detecting Double Tap Events

This Android tutorial explains how to create an Activity that “listens” to double tap events. Doing that isn’t as trivial as getting a single tap from the screen, however writing a code that registers when the screen has been touched twice isn’t complex either. The example featured in this post works on the emulator and on a real Android device.

To implement the double tap, some classes and interfaces are going to be needed, but it’s best to show the example Activity code before explaining each one of them: Continue reading: “Android: Detecting Double Tap Events”

Unity: Raycast Reflection

Click here to read Unity: Raycast Reflection

As any person that has already used Unity’s Ray class knows, there’s no support for reflection, which could be useful for some specific cases. This post will try to offer a solution to that, explaining how to create a script which casts a ray that gets reflected when it hits a surface. Not only that, but the script also allows to set the number of times the cast ray should bounce. An example project with a scene and the code explained below is available for download at the end of the tutorial.

Before looking how the reflection script works, a scene must be set with some walls to reflect the ray. Additionally, a game object will be required to act as the source of the ray . To create the ray’s source, just select GameObject->Create Other->Cube: Continue reading: “Unity: Raycast Reflection”

Unity: Normal Walker

Click here to read Unity: Normal Walker

This Unity programming tutorial explains how to create a controllable character that appears to ‘walk’ on the surface of another object. That’s achieved by using a script that matches the normal up orientation vector of the controllable game object with the surface normal of the other 3D object. But not only the script, this post also explains how to set up a scene to make it work.

A demo project with everything discussed here is available at the end of the post both in C# and JavaScript.

The first step is to create a Cube game object, that will act as your player. To do it, just select GameObject->Create Other->New Cube: Continue reading: “Unity: Normal Walker”

Unity: Scaling the GUI based on the screen resolution

Click here to read Unity: Scaling the GUI based on the screen resolution

As hinted by other posts, here, you will find how to properly scale the GUI elements based on screen resolution. As one may have noticed, Unity doesn’t scale the GUI elements based on the screen resolution, requiring a script to do the job, which is explained in this post. I will assume that the reader already knows how to create and render GUI elements in Unity using the MonoBehaviour’s OnGUI() function and GUISkin objects.

The best way to explain how to properly scale a GUI element is through an example. That said, for this post, let’s assume that we wanted a yellow rectangle to be rendered at the top left and bottom right corners of the screen, like this: Continue reading: “Unity: Scaling the GUI based on the screen resolution”