Posts Tagged ‘Unity3D’

Posts that contain information about Unity3D game engine.

Unity and Android: Create an Unity app with a custom layout

Click here to read Unity and Android: Create an Unity app with a custom layout

Although Android and Unity3D are both common topics here at, this tutorial is the first one featured in this website to combine those two topics into a single post.

So, this first Unity/Android post is going to show how to create an Unity Android application that uses a custom layout which makes the Unity View to take up only part of the screen. Additionally, this post shows how to have some Android buttons underneath that View and how to make them interact with Unity. And as a simple example, those buttons will determine which direction the camera should rotate around a blue box. As usual, there’s a sample project is available at the end of the post. Here’s a GIF illustrating how the application looks and behaves:

This is what this post is trying to achieve

The View used by Unity only takes part of the screen. The three buttons are native Android UI buttons.


Unity3D: Styling a GUI toggle

Click here to read Unity3D: Styling a GUI toggle

This post shows how to use a custom GUISkin to style a GUI toggle. So, this tutorial is going to be a little different from the other ones featured on the website, since it will focus more on how to use the Unity3D engine itself rather than the code.

A sample project is available at the end of the post, which is the reference to all of the examples given in this tutorial.

So, in order to style a toggle, or any other Unity3D GUI element for that matter, a GUISkin file is required. This file holds all information regarding rendering a group a GUI elements (GUIStyles), such as the image to use as a background, the font to use, the color, size, alignment, just to name a few. Also, a script is necessary to read the GUISkin and apply the correct GUIStyle to a GUI element, in our case, a toggle.


Unity: GUI Toggle Pair

Click here to read Unity: GUI Toggle Pair

This new (and brief) Unity programming post explains how to create a pair of GUI.Toggles that modifies the value of a single boolean. This means that, when one toggle is selected, the other one should be automatically set to unselected. This is best explained with an example, which can downloaded at the end of the post.


Unity: animated ellipsis

Click here to read Unity: animated ellipsis

We have all seen it on loading screens of a variety of games and applications. I’m talking about animated ellipses, the animated three dots () on the end of a sentence which indicates that the game or software is being loaded.

This post explains how to make exactly that, an animated ellipsis in Unity. Here’s a video showing what the script on this post will do:


Unity: expandable GUI Window

Click here to read Unity: expandable GUI Window

This Unity programming tutorial shows how to create a GUI window that changes between two pre-determined sizes, in other words, an expandable GUI window that can be shrunk down, back to its original size. The code on this post has been developed using Unity 4.0.1f2, and an example project is available for download at the bottom of this page.

Unity’s GUI windows elements are very useful, not only because they can visually group various GUI elements, but also due to the possibility of repositioning it on the screen. For that reason, the script features some additional logic that allows for the windows to be resized at the correct position on the screen, even if it has been dragged by the user.

Here’s a short video of what the code below achieves:


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